We have been busier than bees in the Robinstein household as we prepare for the arrival of our sweet little girl. My due date is in 10 days and the house is still a wreck from last minute home improvement projects. The reason we are still doing this so close to my due date is mostly because we have been so busy with work and now we have some time off in between sessions but in addition to that, the major project we had to do (fixing up a messed up wall in the "nursery") was held up until our land-lady could get her carpenter to come and replace a wood panel in the kids' room and two spots of the ceiling where water damage had rotted the wood out. So that was finally done and then our house was overwhelmed with the rains and had to put up flood guards and mop up water as it came in twice last week. It has been stressful but we are nearing the end of our preparations and I know we will survive even if Lily were to come now instead of later when we are really ready. We've got the kids' room done, my wonderful cousin, Ronnie, tiled by the bathroom which I have wanted done since we moved into this place but Clint and are still fixing up the ceilings in the rest of the house and we have some painting to do after that. When we get that done we can put everything back where it goes and restore our normal level of crazy in this house. Clint even built Andrew a shelf for all his toys and we need to varnish that among other things but the weather has not been cooperating so we are holding out for a good, sunny day.
It still doesn't seem quite real that Lily will be here so soon. I have been pretty uncomfortable but I'm happy to know that everything is going great in my pregnancy. My doctor says Lily is head down and just the right size! I am excited to meet her! I know she will bring us so much joy as Andrew has and that excites me. I don't know how I'm going to be able to handle any more cuteness in this house but somehow we will manage. :)
God is so gracious to us! Please keep us in your prayers and especially help us pray for a safe and normal delivery in the next couple of weeks or so.